May 17, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Today I finally got to Test fire the EWK 6” .357 barrel for
the Dan Wesson Model 15-2.
I awoke with a headache this morning. By noon I was unable
to shake it so I headed home. After 4 more Tylenol and short nap, my head was numb
enough to feel restless so I began packing for the big morning trip to the
range. After packing it seemed a waste to just sit at the house.. So off I
went. Note it is over 100 degrees outside..Plus a heat index…It’s really not a
great time to be out in the sun handling a hot gun. I never claimed to be
Range Report
Unfortunately, the excessive heat has not kept others away.
A small group of college age kids with their Glocks and sundry semi-autos were
hard at target practice. Almost every
one of them had nearly cleanly wiped out their bull’s-eye on each target. That
would speak well of today’s new modern shooter if they weren’t shooting from
the 3 yard line. You have got to be kidding me. Since the first order of business was to “break
in the barrel” distance really didn’t matter so I took the last spot…a set of
six knock-downs with a handy string for re-setting them. Before I could even get a shot off, I was
asked if I had a .44 as magnum loads were not allowed to shoot plates. I showed him
the .38 semi-wad cutters, and all was well.
First 6 rounds: 5 plates of 6. Missed number 6 (generally do
as I get excited). Nothing bad happened, so I simply continued shooting
cylinder after cylinder. I went through about 60 rounds, and got bored.. this
was just too close. So I went to sit down.
Finally the kids were ready to go home and I got the range
pretty much to myself, basically me and one other and the range master ( who
was also shooting). I got to put up a
target and got to get back to the 5 yard
line. Ok, I know its still TOO
close. Freehand –two hand grip, LB target
grip, 6”v – Shots 1 -5 about 2-inch… shot #6 BULLS-eye baby… Range master noted
it first.
Range master (asked about the gun, so I let him try it) He
was impressed. He had only ever shot a revolver once before. I put another 30 or so rounds ( total of 92
rounds – .30 spl 158 grain semi wadcutter.
I then put 6 .357 of the same bullet through the gun.
At this point I had been in 100+ heat in direct sunlight for
over an hour. The Tylenol had lost its effect, sweat kept pouring in my eyes
and fogging up my glasses. I could no longer be effective at anything.. Packed
up and went home.
As far as this experience: I think the barrel is completely
satisfactory. No more lead fouling than normal, no change in accuracy. This is
a good thing. If this were a counterfeit bill it would pass bank inspection,
which is all that matters. Once the proof of concept is done, then the real customizing
can begin. Congratulations Eric.
Lastly: Even though the light is bad at the indoor range its just to convenient and they open earlier and are closer. That will be my next stop.
Oh yeah ….. Pics!!!!
Note: Bottom barrel is EKW, threads are longer...
At the range... began this way
Ended this way.. this at about round 65
With 100 degree heat the cylinder was very hot
Yeah dirty and hot
Happy Face... not on purpose shot #6 ... near dead center - free handing @ ~5 yards
Hey its a hundred rounds of lead and gunk...
Clean up .... its all a part of the sport.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
February 11, 2010
Wow sounds like the absolute worst condition's to have to deal with. The one
group on the target looks to be one ragged hole ! Even at those distances it
attest to the accuracy of the barrel's ability given your condition and the weather
elements. I too would like to see some 25yd testing with .357 ammo. I bet the
left upper target could be achieved from a solid rest.
Thanks Pinetor, keeps us updated.
May 17, 2010
lbruce said:
Great report, and excited to here things are going well. I am looking forward to Eric going full production mode. I have needs.
PS: LB; One of the other range people there asked to handle the gun. Said he use to have one with the exact same grip. I politely corrected him: " not unless yours were made by LB of Georgia"....
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
October 13, 2009
Once again, outstanding work Pinetor!!! Love your write ups, don't forget about us when you're busy doing reports for American Rifleman and the like! I'm with Blacktop, sounds like some pretty rough conditions to work with!!! Thanks again for helping us getting closer to having the barrels and shrouds going-so we can take care of LB and the rest of us!
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