
January 24, 2009

Charger Fan said:
High Standards, I can't see your pics. Is it just my computer here, or are they not working for ya? I'll try to give you a hand, if they're not working.
Ok, here's High Standards High Standard pics.
Great looking gun & it looks like it's in fantastic shape.
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Did this ammo come with the gun? I haven't seen this brand before.
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Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Super Vel is an old (70's-80's) brand that was pretty much the trendsetter for light bullet/high velocity ammunition in it's day. Kind of like +p and +p+, with a focus on light bullets. The prevailing theory seemed to be to punch a lightweight JHP out of the barrel as fast as possible to get expansion, expecially from snubbies.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

April 6, 2009

Thanx again to Charger Fan for helping out a new guy!
Not really sure if this is the place for it or not but Im going to give a history of the gun as I know it ! The gun was gotten from the original owner who got it along with ammo shown, fired six rounds through it waxed it up and put it away,( I like to think he was saven it for me!) until he got it out for me to see he said no one had ever seen it as long as he had owned it. Well I was just amazed and droolling everwhere , when out of my mouth came these words " I dont know what you want for that but Im gonna cry if you dont sell it to me" guess he didnt want to see that cuz I got the gun, the ammo, minus six rounds, a sheepskin lined case in the deal and a bonus, in the case were six teflon mag hollow points hidden away in a lined bag. not sure if I should shoot it or not cuz I didnt get the barrel tool or the owners manual and box and with out that stuff its no good right?


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Great looking photos guys! Also Photohause if you have other photos you want to post that are not DW's just post them under Other Brands. If you have non firearm related photos to post add them under general discussion.
How did you have the read laser lights coming out of your DW I've seen that photo on other sites as well and have always thought that was cool!
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