Jody-thansk for yuor kind comments.
I have no secrets with photography, only sharing. The "RED LIGHT" is actually done with a small power laser pointer. I had the gun on a table and turned out the lights and then "painted" with the red light....then I pop on the main light for a few seconds and that completed the shot. Practice - trial and error.
Painting with light is a blast...I have done entire small buildings this way.
If you're going to drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.

April 30, 2009

Waldo Pepper said:
I had thought about razzing
him for those combat grips on a 22, but passed because at least he has a nice shooter and the propper maker.
You can raz me all ya want. I thought they looked a little strange on that gun when I bought it too.
But now those squirels know I really mean business when they see those combat grips.

April 25, 2008

Waldo Pepper said:
I had thought about razzing
him for those combat grips on a 22, but passed because at least he has a nice shooter and the propper maker.
And what is wrong with combat grips on a .22? Go ahead and razz Waldo...I can take it.
[Image Can Not Be Found]
For me, they are far more comfortable in my hands. I am able to shoot them more accurately.
The Savantist
I'll just drop this off here. [Image Can Not Be Found]

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

Last week, I found a couple good books to study up on.
Metallic Silhouette Shooting was written by Elgin Gates, about the IHMSA sport. There's even some little scale paper cut-outs of the targets in there.
[Image Can Not Be Found]
Shooting Steel is packed with lots of cool IHMSA stuff, compiled from “the Best of The Silhouette” from '77 to '86. I'm glad I was able to grab these two books!
[Image Can Not Be Found]
BTW Jody, if either of these pics are banner-worthy, I saved some big copies & I still owe you a re-do of one of my previous pics, if you still want it.

June 5, 2008

Speaking of blueing so deep an friend looked at my M-15 today and said the blueing was so deep and beautiful it put his S&W's to shame. Didn't know what to say but, yes it is a beauty.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian


January 24, 2009

IHMSA, I found this pair on eGouge for a little over $30. I'll keep an eye open for another one & let you (or Tigger) know if I run across one. Did they make another one for the '87 to '96 years? Just wondering what to look for next.
Jody, a 'must have' book thread is a good idea. One can never have too many cool books on the subject. Although, some of the older ones are freakin' expensive nowdays!

April 25, 2008

There is also a 2nd Edition of the Gun Digest book by Elgin Gates. I think this is the better of the two, as the first one has a lot more rifle stuff in it from the earlier years. Here's a cover pic...notice the very cool revolver that graces it.
[Image Can Not Be Found]
As far as Shooting Steel, there was never a follow-up book, though I severely wished they had published one. A lot of stuff has happened since that one ended in 1985. I have ALL the old IHMSA papers including match reports and gun tests, load data, product reviews. A dream of mine has been to consolidate all that into a Volume II of Shooting Steel some day. I would need a good scanner to start, then find a publisher, which I imagine would cost a small fortune. I think it really needs updating and is a shame the IHMSA staff never got around to it.
The Savantist

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

It almost brings a tear to my eye to think how many IHMSA papers I sent out with the trash back in the 80's. I never kept anything like that back then and would love to be able to go through them again. Even my name popped up a time or too although my scores were never anywhere near as impressive as yours IHMSA 80X80.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.


January 24, 2009

You're probably right, it would cost a small fortune to make an updated book. If you do ever make it though, I'll be in line waiting for a copy...or two.
Thanks for the pic, I'll have to keep an eye out for that. GREAT looking gun on the front cover! Funny, I even have a pair of earmuffs like those say DW on the black round things on the side?
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