December 17, 2008

Steve, thanks - that Zebra grip just set it off when I put it on. A good call from Jody!
I did send that middle picture to Jody with another similar one - hope I make the cut! I have a whole new appreciation for bright nickel on a revolver…
Photo - I needed your line when I showed it to the wife!!!


January 24, 2009

April 25, 2008

Dusty, those are great pics. Ya found out how hard nickel is to photgraph, eh? Always sun flares to deal with. The second pic is great! No light flares, and I like the reflections of the surroundings in the nickel.
Question...who did your nickel refinishing? I picked up a 740-VH6 that was done somewhere, but the finish is flaking off in spots, and it needs redoing.
The Savantist


January 24, 2009

December 17, 2008

Definately discovered the difficulties of nickel! I have a whole bunch of those pics that are no good for one reason or another...
But that center one did come out well - I have another one where the red cloth is reflected in the nickel - the whole gun has a rose color -gorgeous- and my reflection, unfortunately! I'll have some fun trying to perfect the technique. Thanks again for that tip sheet - it got me a few good ones!
I bought the gun as it is & think that it is factory nickel - not exactly sure how to tell, but I haven't found any flaws or indicators that would tell me it was aftermarket.
I like Chargers pics also - nickel plated "Dirty Harry"...nutin' wrong with that!!

December 17, 2008

OK, it's been a good week. I've been working on acquiring this one for a long time.
1983 Monson 741VH 2 barrel Pistol Pac - unfired. Serial #SC0018XX.
Everything's there including one barrel wrapper (undated) & unopened blades and barrel wrench, buckle, patch, instruction booklet, etc. There is a letter: Congratulations! You've chosen the best! -Dated April 1, 1983.
Now, to find an Alaska Guide Special...

June 5, 2008

I am an adult and sent 22 years on active duty with the USN and have heard far worse. Also I am not a PC guy and could care less.
That said I won a 8" ported barrel for my 744 and I paid too much at $83 but I wanted it because I have a ported shroud and non ported barrel. Probably will never shoot the barrel just due to mess it makes in shroud.
Hope it wasn't a member here I out bid. After I won it I had buyers regret, but I think I am over it now.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian


January 24, 2009


January 24, 2009

So Dusty, are you going to feel a little guilty when you send that first bullet down the pipe? I must admit, last December I felt a bit guilty shooting my 29 year old Ruger the first time...in fact, I even stewed over it for about two weeks.
I finally decided I was being dumb, went out & blazed a box of hollow points through it...then came back & spent two hours cleaning every nook & cranny again.

June 5, 2008

Dusty Trail said:
Steve - great line.
Waldo - $83 bucks for an 8″ ported barrel? A new unported would've set you back $89. Ya' done good!
$90.10 with shipping and insurance. I wanted it to just go with my vented shroud to have a perfect set. Most likely I will never shoot it, but like others here. Why not, it's only a piece of steel.
Speaking of the 744 I will be shooting it about an hour from now, along with the 722 with the optional magnum cylinder.
Chow boys, will report later on how the shooting goes.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

I too was watching that barrel but didn't bid because POPS2 had it sewed up for several days and I did not want to bid against another member. I see after I last looked several people bid it on up past where I was willing to go because I probably wouldn't use it either, just trying to work on the collection. I shoot lead mostly and ported barrels just don't like them, or at least I don't like cleaning behind them. Any way I'm glad one of the guys wound up with it.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

December 17, 2008

Charger Fan said:
So Dusty, are you going to feel a little guilty when you send that first bullet down the pipe? I must admit, last December I felt a bit guilty shooting my 29 year old Ruger the first time…in fact, I even stewed over it for about two weeks.
I finally decided I was being dumb, went out & blazed a box of hollow points through it…then came back & spent two hours cleaning every nook & cranny again.
Charger, yeah, that's a real good question & the answer is: I have also been stewing about it. I agree with your logic and final decision though.
I got a pretty good deal on it and it is a chestnut, so I've been flirting with selling and reinvesting.
I bet everyone here would say: SHOOT IT!
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