January 12, 2012

On Gunbroker there is a fixed sight Dan Wesson Model 14-2 (I think!) with, what appears to be, a four-inch "fixed" barrel. It is in blue steel and is a Palmer, Mass. Factory Model. The barrel, besides being fixed, has a design profile I haven't seen before and is completely different from my Monson DW Model 14-2.
I have seen pictures of the fixed barrel Model 14-2, which looks just like my removeable barrel 14-2 in profile. This advertised Palmer Dan Wesson has different lettering characteristics also to go along with that barrel difference.
It would help enhance my Dan Wesson Firearms knowledge if someone would take a look-see at that gunbroker ad with that previously mentioned DW Palmer Model and explain. I have never seen a fixed sight DW like that one before.
Many thanks in advance............................David

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

I cannot remember seeing any other 14-2 fixed barrels, but the underlug style is the same as 15-2 or 715 fixed barrels I have seen. Looks like a very nice revolver, and would make a splendid carry weapon, David
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"
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