January 12, 2012
Greetings Members and Readers!
In collecting old PD Six-Guns I have not come across any DW .38/357 that was a former cop gun, other than the NYPD .38 DW Model 11.
Does any of the members know of "any" DW doing law enforcement duty? If so, where and when?
In shooting my .357 Model 11, from time to time, in the monthly police service pistol that old gun can shoot some extremely tight groups using my duty load (158-gr. .38 SWCHP+P). I found that out right after my 1997 purchase of this strange-looking six-gun. I was at our PD Range and had brought my Model 11 along for a short test-drive. I put that 11 deep into a pistol perch and shot some 148-gr. wadcutters through it from 75 ft. away. I was shooting on the standard B-27 Target that cops have been shooting on for decades and let loose with with six rounds. Now for a fella accustomed to the trigger-action of the I-Frame Colt (OP) and the MK III Colt (Metropolitan) trigger-action, that very short hammer drop off the single-action caught me by surprise. That "high" ramped front sight and dovetail rear sight was the "best" fixed sights I ever lined up on. The Best! I thought that I had 4-flyers at first from the pistol perch with that first six-rounds. I started mumbling bad things under my breath as I walked down range to see what happened. I was regreting my purchase of the strange looking sixgun until I got up on the target. BAM! I didn't have NO four flyers I had two small cloverleafs! You talk about getting excited about a six-shooter and running back down range and put six-more rounds that was more or less in the same pattern as the first. I was by myself so I couldn't start bragging until later.
Now, I don't shoot that good but that old .357 Model 11 does when the shaky old man holding the grip stays steady (rare nowadays) with his grip. Gosh, I love shooting that four-inch Model 11 in matches against the kids with their Crocks, er, Glocks! Mr. Dan really built accurate six-guns that are "still" viable combat handguns for po-po's! Thanks for this fine forum fellas! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be here.
Sincerely and ever respectfully;
May 17, 2010
Great story yet again!
It do recall a fella having a pair of stainless .357 ( aka 715) that he claimed to have carried (he related the story on gunbroker.com). The story was he bought two because he figured soon or later the primary one would give out. The guns were identical with consecutive SN's. it turned out the primary gun never did where out so the backup was seldom shot. He was selling the pair simply as "a pair of consecutive 715". As I recall the buyer got the two for not much of a premium over buying just one.
As for me, my only story (already related once) was going to a shoot sponsored by the local indian reservation (Choctaw) PD, and basically showing everyone up. Still got the trophy to prove it. What stuck in my mind at the time was that the only semi.. a S&W 9mm, jammed so much the officer quit and left the event. This was 1992, and I dont think S&W had thier act together yet on the semis being offered for PD carry.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
As I recall, member "beaudog" carried a 15-2, I think it was San Francisco PD, and it might have been a undercover carry gun.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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