April 22, 2011
Hello all,
I'm brabd new here and I have some questions. I just got this morning a awesome DW revolver......It has a 8in barrel , .357 , Made in Momsom Mass, Serail # 32xxxx . This beauty is in unfired condition, and I plan on useing it for nothing but Bullseye style target shooting ( one handed) with light 158gr lead SWC .38 loads in .357 mag cases.....what can anyone tell me about this gun ? Model # ? , Yr of Manufacture ? is this a shooter or a safe Queen ....? Also I will need a barrel wrench where can I get one .......I really stocked about this gun ......been wanting something like this for a long time....there's nothing better than pounding the X ring one handed and I like to do that with my Ruger MKIII , IZH-46m and now this beautyfull DW what ever it is........thanks in advance ....
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
Welcome Keith.
If your gun is blue, it is probably a model 15-2 (pics would help here). If it is stainless steel then it's a model 715.
Shoot it!
You can get barrel wrenches several places. The best quality are those made by EWK Arms; see the link in the right hand column. However, if you insist on having the original style they are almost always available on both gunbroker and eBay.
You're going to love your new Dan. You may well find yourself wanting more; that's called DWAS.
Enjoy your new toy.
May 17, 2010
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your DW!
It sounds like you have a model 15-2 probably a V8. If the lower part of the shroud extends to the front then you have a 15-2 VH8. If the gun is stainless you have a model 715-2.
The small frame .357 DW's are the most common of the bunch, that said yes you could keep the gun as a safe queen and maintain a higher value on the gun. But really, you have a shooter... and thats what I would do!
I shoot mostly 158gr SWC out of my 15-2 with a 6" heavy barrel, and LOVE it. And so does everyone else that has ever shot my gun.
You can get the barrel tool, and new barrel nuts and fiber optic front sights from Eric ( EWK) right over yonder >>>>>>>>>
Its a no-brainer to do so. ANDDDDDD he can set you up with extra barrels (new ones!) and EXTRA heavy shrouds... from 2.5 " up to 8"!! And he just shipped out his 15" custom barrel/shroud!!!
PS.. we love pics!!
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
April 22, 2011
Thx guys ya its blue ...I just got back from the range and boy it did not like my 125gr .38 speacil hand laods at all , It was all over the place......so I bought some 132 gr PMC's and it tigthened up by about 50% ......Ive got some 158 gr lead SWC's I will load in .357 cases.......I'm hopeing to use either clays or 700x and laod them to about 800 fps .....and hopefully it'll shot ......those 125 gr loads scared me couldnt get a group to save my butt....but the factory ammo was alot better but still not great.....hopefully the 158's will drive tacks......whats a good accuracy load .......
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
January 24, 2009
Judging from your s/n, your gun was probably manufactured around 1983 +/- a few months. If it has adjustable sights, it is a 15-2 model...non-adjustable sights would make it a 14-2 model.
My own 15-2 wearing an 8" barrel really likes 158gr JHP loads, pushed by 16.0gr of 4227. Others may vary.
BTW, if your gun was unfired, you may want to give it a bit of break-in upkeep by running a wet, then, dry patch down the barrel every 50 rounds. Do a couple passes with a wet brass brush after the first 100 rounds too, especially if you're feeding it lead bullets.
November 4, 2008
Punch, if you can, get a box of 148 gr. .358 diameter hollow base wadcutters. Then, get a lb. of Bullseye by Alliant. Start at 2.8 grains and work up. Seat the WC flush with the top of the .38 brass (yep, .38) with a slight crimp.
This is the quintisental bullseye load for target shooting. It is the most used by those who shoot the Smith & Wesson .38 midrange Masterpiece Model 52 in bullseye competition.
The design of the wadcutter with the full medplat cuts a perfect clean circle in the paper. (thus the name "wad cutter" )
I have 2 Model 15-2s and they shoot dead on with this load. I tend to lean more to the DEWC in hard cast simply because I buy locally from guy who casts these.
February 2, 2009
Check your barrel/ cylinder gap to be sure it is .006. That is th factory gap. the gap has to be checked on all cylinders and set on the tightest, as the surface of the cylinder can vary a few thousandth. All DW's seem to prefer heavier bullets and you'll probably get best accuracy with the 155 to 160 gr bullets.
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