April 26, 2011
G'day from Downunder .
I have aquired a Monson made 6" blue .32 mag revolver today , the blue is a bit tatty on the shroud but it shoots real nice & has a lovely trigger ( breaks like glass ) it has a few spare sets of grips including an ugly standard Pachmayer ( that will have to go ) it also has some spare internal parts , in regard to the finish a bit of help is needed please .
The bluing on the shroud is worn on one side but should reblue easily as it is of the usual high gloss blue that my other Dans have , the body of the action is fine but it has a purplish hue to it so my question is when it is reblued in the hot blue tanks by my gunsmith will the purplish hue disappear or not ? as I would prefer it to be the one colour if possible .
Thanking you in advance for your help regards Paul .
Real Aussie men eat Vegemite everyday .
Range Officer
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Dans Club
December 4, 2011
from half a world away in Pennsylvania! You have what we refer to as a "Barney" gun. The term comes from a childrens TV show from the 90's featruing a purple dinosaur, don't know if he was popular outside the US. Anyway, its caused by high silica content in some frames that reacts with the bluing salts and over time, turns some degree of purple. It will reblue but the pruple will likely reoccur over time as the silica reacts with the new bluing. How long this will take, its hard to say. It may stay black for years or it could turn purple in a year or so. Depends on the degree of 'Barney' you currently have I suppose. I hope this helps.
BTW we love pictures, so feel free to post some pics of your 32 for us to over. Its a fairly scarce caliber around here, and the guns are desirable due in part to their rarity.
I was surprised to see you had a hand gun in Australia, I thought your govt. banned guns some time back and collected and destroyed most of them. Did they exempt certain types? or do you have to make them non functional? Are you requrired to license or have some kind of approval to own/use a gun there? Sorry of the questions, but we in the US are hearing rumblings of gun bans and seizures, buy backs, strict controls etc. and I'm curious how things are working out for you folks, kind of like looking in a crystal ball you could say.
Anyway again to the best place for Dan Wesson on the planet!
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
January 24, 2009
April 26, 2011
G'day from Downunder .
G'day Guys , thank you for your replys I will post pic's when I get to have the gun home , down here we have to get a permit to aquire approved by the police before taking actual possesion of the gun from the person you purchased it from and pay the registration fee of $28.00 ( it sucks but the money for the polititions superanuation has to come from somewhere ) I was able to buy it and fire it as its previous owner and I belong to the same pistol club .
Down here to be able to own pistols you must belong to a pistol club and there are very strict conditions placed on ownership , unlike the U.S. where it is a right to own firearms down here it is considered a priveledge by the goverment and gun owners are treated as a lower form of life so I council all you up there to fight till the last breath against any form of gun control as once they start they wont stop till they ban them all .
Regards Paul .
Real Aussie men eat Vegemite everyday .
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