March 15, 2011

...and I am having a BLAST changing barrels on my DWs!
I recently purchased new sets of grips and some barrel/shroud units for my 714 and 41. the purchase included a Weigand equipped non-vent stainless barrel and shroud and a 2.5" shroud and barrel, each set for the 714 and a 6" VH 41 magnum set for my 41. However, I wasn't about to do anything to meddle with barrel changeouts until the correct tools came across my desk. Ergo, the EWK tools.
The finally arrived last week: the 357 frame version with 22 "spud" and a large frame version with both the 41 and 44 caliber "spuds."
First, the 714. It was originally configured in a 6" service barrel with stock large DW wood. I first replaced the grip with a dark walnut unit similar to the "Speed" grip found on LB's site. I also changed this barrel to an 8" Weigand equipped shroud. This wheelgun looks a lot sportier than its previous spartan incarnation. I suspect in its old configuration, she served in some Floridian law enforcement capacity. Taking off the 6" barrel was strenuous at best. I had to use a towel to add leverage to the EWK tool but it ended up spinning off. Decades of "non barrel changing" hubris probably held the old 6" unit in place. I could see some aging residue that wasn't exposed since the last barrel change (which as probably sometime in the 80's). Now I currently await a silver Accudot scope to come my way, probably within a few weeks.
I liken this old service revolver to a retired policeman, now changing his life to accommodate recreational target shooting and hunting, which I'm sure this changed 714 will be a dandy pig gun given the right custom load combination.
The next item to change out was my 8" VH Weaver scoped equipped 41 magnum DW. I had to replace the 44 caliber "spud" with a 41 caliber version. Replacing the barrel on this baby was fairly straightforward. In fact, i was on the phone with my wife as I was removing the old scoped barrel and shroud and replacing it with the CZ-DW 6" VH version.
This revolver seems still a bit nose heavy like its former self, but I think this will be most helpful in taming some 250 grain Keith LSWC full power 41 loads I have in mind to use with this wheelgun.
To EWK, I want to say "thanks" for putting a great product. You can guarantee I'll be one customer who will return for more of you products as cash and "newer" DWs come across my 'gunsafe."
And yes, I understand that . I am currently attempting to fix up my Toshiba digital camera but pix are coming, hopefully soon.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

July 1, 2011

+1 on the EWK barrel nut wrenches. When I first put the EWK wrench on my 715's barrel nut, the tool fit the nut notches absolutely perfectly with no wiggle or play. I was amazed!
I also have to give Eric a big thumbs up for his fiber optic front sights and his spring kits.
I only wish he had the sideplate screws in stainless.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

It is a fact that:
1) You cannot be disappointed with an EWK wrench, I bought my first one before they were ever available "on" DWF
2) I would not ever again touch an over-snug barrel nut with anything else
Just don't ask for trouble by using anything else
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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