April 15, 2011

Just got my barrel tool, extra barrel lug and feeler guage from EWK. Naturally I could not resist removing the barrel and shroud from my DW 15-2.
It was easy! Not only that, whoever had put the barrel and shroud on before had not done it perfectly. After watching the You-Tube video, I found it very easy and intuitive to remove and then reattach the barrel assembly. Now I see why some of the fellows here on the forum say that they remove the barrel assembly for every cleaning. It is easier than stripping a semi-auto!
(This from the guy who had trouble this week removing the old grip. )
Congrats to EWK for making such excellent tools and parts, by the way. Now if they will restock the barrel assemblies, I have decided to buy several!
1. My barrel had some sort of lubricant on it. What, if anything, do you fellows put on the actual barrel by way of lubricant?
2. About how hard do you tighten the front barrel lug? Mine was too loose, by the way, so sure am glad I got Eric's tool.
Thank you everyone on this forum for your helpful attitudes towards noobs like me. This forum has promoted my Dan Wesson from an unfired safe queen to one of my very favorite firearms!
The difference between a citizen and a civilian is that the citizen makes the safety of the body politic his personal responsibility. The civilian does not.
COTEP 545 -- PM7-45; 15-2 .357

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I give the barrel nut a firm hand tightening, but don't get too crazy and over tighten. Especially DO NOT over tighten the nut on a hot barrel/shroud, when it cools (and shrinks slightly) it may be extremely tight.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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