I noticed something this morning that I had not seen before. I was cruising GB and spotted this picture. The picture is of a DW 744 shroud. I noticed the "S" stamped in the shroud I would assume it means "Stainless".
I checked my 744 shrouds and its on them but not on my 357 Blued shrouds or my 722 shrouds.
Just thought it was bit of info worth sharing.
December 17, 2008
Very interesting.
I checked my 741 and found a different detail: my frame and shrouds have two locating pins!
The first is in the usual location, the second is right where the "S" is on Jody's shroud picture. I don't see any "S" identifiers on my shrouds.
If I get a spare minute, I'll put up a pic.
That's wild about the 2 locating pins... would make getting additional shrouds more difficult unless all 741's are like that. I would remove the shroud on my 741 however they included a 44 wrench with it. It's NIB so guess the shroud has never been removed.
Looking forward to your pics.
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
January 4, 2009
mike... FYI...
if "that guy" on eBay is "Polo"... he's ok to buy from
but he LOVES... Obama... just so you know..]
Also.. you can sometimes get that stuff cheaper from CZ.
44 mag. blued older ( 025000 series Monson frame), original 8" vent barrel no mark
new 4" VH from CZ, just got 2 months ago.. "C"
haven't looked at older 6" VH yet..
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
January 24, 2009
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