August 26, 2018

I took my two Dans (715, 744) to the range today. When I got home and started cleaning, I noticed that the frame of my 744 has cracked! It wasn't like that prior to today's range session. I only fired 75 rounds - 25 magnums and 50 specials. Any idea what might have caused this? Barrel nut was snug but not overly tightened. Obviously I'm bummed out.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

That sucks.
How tight was the barrel in the frame?
It almost looks like the frame was wedged and split.
It's possible it was a bad casting from the start and just finally split.
I'd be curious what the OD of the barrel threads is since that's not the original barrel assembly.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

August 26, 2018

The OD of the barrel threads measure .683" vs. .682" for the original barrel with my cheap digital calipers. The barrel was not difficult to screw into the frame - did not require any significant effort. Barrel nut was hand-tight but not overly torqued. B/C gap was set at .006"

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Beancounter81 said
The OD of the barrel threads measure .683" vs. .682" for the original barrel with my cheap digital calipers. The barrel was not difficult to screw into the frame - did not require any significant effort. Barrel nut was hand-tight but not overly torqued. B/C gap was set at .006"
Those dimensions are fine. Sounds like a flaw in the frame metal, maybe an inclusion in the casting. Maybe it just took time to happen.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

August 8, 2016

Did your barrel split like mine?
That happened to my 715. Read the thread. Long story short I had a newer CZ/DW barrel that was not heat treated according to Bob at DW. Looks like it’s a newer CZ shroud you have. CZ barrel too?

May 6, 2024

Not anywhere near my Wheelhouse...but, wondering aloud, if Not properly Heat treated??? Just how "elastic" that Barrel would be???
Wondering If it maybe could Grow, and Shrink enough to damage another Relatively Hard and Non elastic Frame???
Yea...Maybe I crawl back under that Rock...

August 26, 2018

racepres said
Not anywhere near my Wheelhouse...but, wondering aloud, if Not properly Heat treated??? Just how "elastic" that Barrel would be???Wondering If it maybe could Grow, and Shrink enough to damage another Relatively Hard and Non elastic Frame???
It would take someone with a lot more metallurgical knowledge than I have to determine whether that could be a possibility and if so, whether there would be any evidence on the barrel after the fact.
I'd love to find something to blame this on but right now it looks like probably a flaw in the casting that finally gave way after 40 years.

October 28, 2019

It might be possible to restore that frame. Nickel silver brazing rod will work on stainless, and has a tensile strength of 85,000 psi.
the stuff is hell for stout, and when fluxed, flows like silver solder. i have used it for knife and Black Powder gun work for many years with great succes. I am actually trying to find a source of ingots so I can contract a local foundry to cast some replica “pre 1875” era frames.
oh and it is a great braze for jewelry works, has a lovely sheen.
no harm trying, and you could at least run 44 specials for the next century.
Bernzomatic-NS3-Nickel-Silver-Brazing-Welding rod.

May 6, 2024

profmarvel said
It might be possible to restore that frame. Nickel silver brazing rod will work on stainless, and has a tensile strength of 85,000 psi.the stuff is hell for stout, and when fluxed, flows like silver solder. i have used it for knife and Black Powder gun work for many years with great succes. I am actually trying to find a source of ingots so I can contract a local foundry to cast some replica “pre 1875” era frames.
oh and it is a great braze for jewelry works, has a lovely sheen.
no harm trying, and you could at least run 44 specials for the next century.
Bernzomatic-NS3-Nickel-Silver-Brazing-Welding rod.
Something I would Certainly Try!!!
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