January 12, 2012
Several years ago I was given a DW Model 15-2 by my brother as a Christmas gift. He had purchased this like-new six-gun because he like the "looks" and because he knew his old brother had become a recent fan of the Dan Wesson Revolvers. He had grown sick of hearing me brag about the cloverleaf pattern that my 4-inch Model 11 was capable of shooting and bought this six-inch Target Dan Wesson to address that. He shot it a few times and decided it would make a great Christmas gift for his Dan Wesson loving brother and gave it to me. Man, I was tickled to death to receive this as I had already seen it and would start slobbering at its very sight! The DW Target Grips were of the Zebra Wood with no blemish or flaw at all. Someone had bought the gun new and didn't shoot it very much before trading it in on something else before brother came along. The profile of this six-inch DW Model 15-2 with a six-inch Heavy Barrel was very impressive and shooting, single-action, was particularly impressive. Resting that big six-inch barrel into a pistol perch and shooting .38 Special 148-gr.wadcutters into a target 25-yds. away can make some very nice cloverleaf patterns on your target. The white outline rear sight combined with the yellow insert on the front sight helps me achieve in getting good grouping characteristics on the target. I think most of the members here have experienced the inherrent accuracy of the Dan Wesson at one time or another and know exactly what I'm talking about here. Its just that sometimes the beauty of a particular Dan Wesson can be over powering. This one, was mine!
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February 16, 2013
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