February 11, 2010

What is your definition of steady ? I bought a used 15 and have over 2000 rnds
of .357 magnum through it just this year.
About a 1000 of those have been "hot/warm" loads pushing 694 ft lbs of energy
compared to most of the 550 or 600 ft lbs off the shelf stuff. If anything she
shoots and feels better now than when I bought her. No more play and no less

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

May 17, 2010

on another forum (local) there are some smith-guys who seem very knowledgable that talk about not shooting mags and not shooting jacketed bullets in order to reduce the effects of barrel wear and overall wear and tear. But the main guy says he has over 100k shots in his one gun. But then he also talked about the "expense of replacing a barrel.. jokes on him in that... he ought to be using a DW!
I generally shoot .38spl but then I am only killing paper.. mostly at less than 15 yards. (usually 10). The 38 brass is cheaper to come by. Uusally I just fire off 6 or so jacketed magnums to revel in the feel and report and kinda clean out the lead before packing up to go home.
I have at least 6000 rounds through my original 6" barrel and probably overall 7000 rounds. My gun still looks rather pristine.. shes just now starting to get broke in. Maybe in another 25 years she'll be just right!!
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B

Dans Club
May 17, 2009

You can't hurt a Dan with .357 Mag loads. There's a post here somewhere which reports some younger shooters who had a squib, or maybe 2, in the barrel and shot another round which. They stopped by a member's house and he found the barrel slightly bulged but no damage elsewhere to the gun. That says it all I believe.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

It seems strange that someone even thought that up. All I have ever heard is DW's have the reputation as being the Strongest double action revolver there is. I can't prove it, but I believe it.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

zoommb said:
Still strong as a rock.
Wife or 715? Probably both!
All joking aside, this subject really bothers me. There are a lot of DW's here that get shot a lot. In the collective experience of DWF, has anyone EVER come across one that got shot so much it's no longer fully functional? We see lots that are neglected and abused, and results of gunsmithing gone wrong-anyone ever seen one broken because it got shot too much?
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

May 17, 2010

lbruce said:
It seems strange that someone even thought that up. All I have ever heard is DW's have the reputation as being the Strongest double action revolver there is. I can't prove it, but I believe it.
I have always heard the strongest was the old Rugers ( Blackhawks & Redhawks). I have shot one before ... they tame even 44 mags with sheer weight. I think the engine in my wifes Honda weighs less..
Be that as it may.. The DW is pleanty strong for any ammo for which it was designed ( and then some). After all these are long distance plate shooters... No one does that better.
As for steves question... neg.. never seen or heard of a DW worn out from shooting.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B

February 11, 2010

Todd Spotti wrote:
"To illustrate just how strong these guns are, Seth Wesson once told me how, as an experiment, he took a small frame 357 Mag model, replaced the barrel with a solid steel rod, and loaded it with a proof cartridge (100,000 psi +). The gun was then fired remotely in a test chamber. Not only did the gun survive, but functioned normally afterwards with no damage what so ever. Now that’s what I call tough."
Here's a link to the article-


January 24, 2009

September 26, 2008

Thanks for the replies to all, and I think I get the message loud and clear! The cylinder is smaller than my Smith 586-357, so i'm guessing that DW made the cylinder stronger through better forging etc. I won't ask that question again.! BTW, that 6-4 guy is my best friend, and I really let him have it as in rubbing it in hard!
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