February 1, 2019

I saw this Model 14 for sale here in France, described as good condition, it looks well used and well worn to me. I think that the barrel shroud is from a Model 15, or am I wrong and it is original? It is advertised at 1300 euros, seems very expensive.
On another note I did recently buy a very nice .22 Pistol Pack. I am normally not a .22 fan but it is a Dan Wesson and a pistol pack so I had to buy it 850 euros.
I have posted pictures of Model 14

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

So $1300 euros is around $1400 US dollars yes that's quite a lot but then I Saw the two other barrels so they are worth a bit more. The extra two barrels maybe worth $600 euros so that brings the gun price down to $700 euros not too bad. I assume finding a Dan Wesson over there is impossible. So may be worth it but yes I do not like the condition but 14's are not a shiny gun they are the dull finish so I personally would like a 15. The 14's were service revolvers made for use by police of other people that needed a side arm. No adjustable site was a fixed steel site. I guess it's a question of how hard it is to find a Dan Wesson over there? how often does a Dan Wesson come up for purchase? If you think you will come across one in the next year I would hold off in hope a nicer one comes up. You know much better than us how the market is there! Roll the dice of the sure thing that is the question!

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

I’d buy it, then if a better one comes along later buy that one and sell this one. Of course, that’s only if you have the funds to afford that path. It always comes down to $$, doesn’t it? Sometimes ya gotta throw caution to the wind and go for it. Let us know what you decide.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

The long barrel looks like a custom 15 shroud but the 2 shorter ones are 14 by the looks of the top rib.
The 14 has a matte finish so it was never shiny.
The price seems fair especially being that you're in France.
Can you tell us what firearms restrictions are like there?
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

No you can tell the barrel on the gun is at most 10 inches but I think it's just an 8 inch. You can tell with it in the case that's one of the Dan Wesson airsoft case. I do wonder if the barrel shroud on the gun is an EWK it's got a rail running all the way on top and a shorter one on the bottom. It's either an EWK or a custom rail they put on the barrel.
Model 14-2, matte finish. The 10"? barrel assembly is an EWK RH with a piccatinny rail attached underneath. . Aftermarket but scarce now. The 21/2" BA is the one that comes with the gun. The 4" looks like it is a 15-2 VH. It will not shoot to point of aim unless the front sight is shorter than standard.
. I can't tell the condition of any of it but if in nice shape the parts would be $350 for the frame, 65 for undercover grip (which came with the frame), $300 to 500 for the RH barrel assembly, $200 for the 21/2" BA, $250 to 350 for the 4" BA and $35 for the broken tool. Being plastic, it may be broken inside. That is $1200 to 1500 in the US. The used scope is catch as catch can.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Ron, look at the muzzle of the 4 inch, it looks higher than the rib which makes me think it's a 14.
I had some like that years ago but foolishly sold them.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
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