January 12, 2012
I was just surfing the internet recently and came across some NYPD Rules and Regs posted at the below given area on the internet. There were some other "favorites" of mine listed that are still authorized. I understand there are still some .38 sixguns doing duty in the Big Apple. Albeit, like myself probably, old as the hills (for this work) and still in love with their sixgun. A Dan Wesson made the NYPD list of authorized duty revolvers back in 1971. This was the Model 11 chambered in .38 Special, blue steel, fixed sights and with, what the NYPD calls, a FIXED four-inch barrel. The Model 11 is still authorized for duty, according to the posted rules and regulation section of the NYPD Police Manual. What scant info I know of, on this NYPD DW, is that few purchases were made and that the barrel was not removeable but, alas, it is "still" an authorized duty weapon with NYPD and it would be nice to find out one is "still-on-duty" in New York City here in February 2013. You can see the other listed "legendary" authorized NYPD sixguns at the website here: NYPD/Assets/3txt
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