September 7, 2011
I forgot to check the barrel nut and it wasnt loose but it wasnt tight either and the gap was more than it should have been and the hot gases blew off just a 1/16th maybe even 1/32 of an inch on the high side of the foward part of the cylinder all the way around....ooooooops .... may have to lok tite that barrel nut . Other than that she shot great . In this video you can see the fire escaping the gap
other than that The Dan shot extremely well . love that gun
" Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch , Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote " - Ben Franklin
January 24, 2009
September 7, 2011
IHMSA80x80 said:
A little bit of Anti-Seize on the barrel threads works wonders.
I think thats the problem , Im keeping the threads TOO well oiled and theyre backing out when I shoot ..... however since the little spot of bluing that was removed on the foward high side of the cylinder all the way around looks so uniform im almost starting to like it xD
" Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch , Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote " - Ben Franklin
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