May 15, 2010
I just purchased a DW Mod 15 357 and am new to DW guns. I have read that the trigger pull is sweet on the DW's, but this gun seems to have a pretty heavy pull. I'm not a gunsmith, but if there are suggestions on how I might go about doing some minor adjustments to the pull, I'd appreciate some ideas. Thanks.
January 26, 2009
What I have done to my DW's is order a main spring kit from Wolf gunsprings. You can also order a reduced power trigger return spring. The stock main spring is rated at 9#. Wolf's springs come in 8# and 7.5#. I would install the 8# mainspring and the reduced power trigger return spring first. If the gun reliably sets primers off you can try the 7.5# main spring. Just be aware that the 7.5# main spring may not set off all brands of primers reliably. If this is a self defense gun I would test quite a few rounds of your carry ammo to make sure it is absolutely reliable. I've stuck with the 8# springs except in my 22 target gun.While you have it apart you can polish any surface of the trigger or hammer that makes contact with metal. This smooths it out a bit and the springs lighten the pull. Good luck! jwk
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
Pretty easy to do
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
May 15, 2010
Thanks a bunch for your post about the trigger pull. I have saved that document and will follow it precisely. However, I've got one question. You used the term "hammer boss", and I'm at a loss to know what that is. I have a Parts Illustration which came with the instruction manual and there is nothing in that about a "hammer boss". There is a Connector that holds the front end of the Trigger Return Spring and that's the only part that I might guess that may be what you term the "hammer boss". Please help with that name if you will. Thank you.
September 28, 2008
I'm pretty sure he meant the area where the short end of the trigger spring fits under the hammer. If you look at the pic in the thread, it's pretty clear how the guts go back together.
One of these days I'm going to polish up my 715. I did one of my old 15's, and it sure made a difference, not nearly as "clacky" when it was cocked as it was out of the box.
One thing I did was after I had two 15's was to take the "work" one to work (Casino guard), while the pretty one's guts soaked in teflon lube for several days, after polishing. I polished the track on the trigger where the trigger spring rides with a cloth wheel and a tiny bit of the finest polishing compound I had, Gleem toothpaste, until it was like a mirror, and took a little bit of that Gleem and put it on the long side of the trigger spring, and used a cloth to shine it up too, nothing too much, just about 20 seconds worth. Just the polishing of the track and the spring alone smoothed up the DA pull a lot. Then it went back into the teflon lube bath with all the other parts until I decided to put it all back together again.
When I had tested the nicer gun and it worked ok, I did the same with the work gun, which actually came out slightly better.
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
dell986 said:
Thanks a bunch for your post about the trigger pull. I have saved that document and will follow it precisely. However, I've got one question. You used the term "hammer boss", and I'm at a loss to know what that is. I have a Parts Illustration which came with the instruction manual and there is nothing in that about a "hammer boss". There is a Connector that holds the front end of the Trigger Return Spring and that's the only part that I might guess that may be what you term the "hammer boss". Please help with that name if you will. Thank you.
Sorry about that... the "boss" is the post/pin you drop the hammer over.
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