January 5, 2015

I asked a question the other day and got ALMOST all the info I needed, but I am back for the rest...
I have a 715 6VH (six inch, vented, heavy) model. It's in very good shape. I need to know about how much it might be worth. Someone needed cash so I bought the gun off them. I don't need to keep it, I just needed to help them. Any ideas of what I should ask for it?

August 28, 2009

Three things determine value - demand, rarity, and condition always determine price or how much someone is willing to pay for it. Determine the condition, photograph and describe it accurately, and put it up for auction as Ole Dog recommended. You'll find out what it's worth in the market. If the person that you "helped" is a dear friend and really needed help, I'd consider selling the gun and and giving them any profits less any expenses you may have incurred. That's what I call "help".
Here's the rating standards:
- NEW: Not previously sold at retail, in same condition as current factory production.
- PERFECT: In New condition in every respect.
- EXCELLENT: New condition, used but little, no noticeable marring of wood or metal, bluing perfect, (except at muzzle or sharp edges).
- VERY GOOD: In perfect working condition, no appreciable wear on working surfaces, no corrosion or pitting, only minor surface dents or scratches.
- GOOD: In safe working condition, minor wear on working surfaces, no broken parts, no corrosion or pitting that will interfere with proper functioning.
- FAIR: In safe working condition but well worn, perhaps requiring replacement of minor parts or adjustments which should be indicated in advertisement, no rust, but may have corrosion pits which do not render article unsafe or inoperable.
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