November 5, 2010

Not that it matters, as I bought it so must have decided it was worth the price to me. But out of curiousity, what is a Monson 375 blued 8" supermag worth in the opinion of people more knowledgeable about DW's than I. Oh, not a typo, it is a 375 and not a 357 in case anyone wonders. No box or anything else, just the revolver in very good condition. Just want to know out of idle curiousity how much I overpaid for it 🙂

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

You had it right in the first place: if you bought it you didn't over-pay.
They are fairly rare and in top condition can command pretty good money. I'm not an expert on the .375, but I'm going to guess that anything under $800 is pretty fair.
If I'm wrong I will be corrected shortly.

October 26, 2010

zoommb said:
You had it right in the first place: if you bought it you didn't over-pay.
They are fairly rare and in top condition can command pretty good money. I'm not an expert on the .375, but I'm going to guess that anything under $800 is pretty fair.
If I'm wrong I will be corrected shortly.
Seems to be about right. In searching for my first DW I came across several .375 but being that Im not really a big fan of the "blued" finish I passed. The ones I came across were in the $600 - $700 range and were in excellent condition.
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that's good" – George Washington

November 5, 2010

Zoommb, if you don't like blue you must be evil . Just for you, my only other DW, which by the way, I paid way too much for. But I'm a sucker for 41's, especially long barrel's, and you just don't ever find any of any make. Got this one about 3 years ago and 3 dead deer so far with it, longest right at 90 yards. 8 and 10 inch barrels. I wish I could get a 12+ inch barrel and shroud for the 375 to make use of it's capabilities, but that doesn't exist as far as I know.

November 5, 2010

Forgot to thank you all for the approximate values. Depending on how you look at the extra's that did come with it, my accounting now put's it at the I did not get raped level, but I did pay retail level. Fair enough, especially since I thought as far as market value I very well may have payed too much, but I paid what I was comfortable with to get it so it is fair no matter what. Just nice to know I did not pay way too much against market value. The nicest thing is all the IHMSA ammo that comes with it. I can shoot it as soon as I get it, and have once fired correctly headstamped brasss to reload. If I'm really lucky, I can sight it and hunt with it this coming weekend. I doubt I will get another DW after this, unless I come accross a rare long barrel 357 or a 414 supermag at a good price. I definetely prefer the look, feel, and action of a proper S&W, but they are getting expensive. FYI, in my book, not anything made after the 70's is a proper S&W, and anything made after the mid 90's not even a good gunsmith can fix. Forget the crap SafeTHammer makes, don't care if they changed their name, it is still SafeTHammer.

February 11, 2010

KarlH said:
, my accounting now put's it at the I did not get raped level,
Insurance, Taxes…the gas station.
I have never felt that way after a gun purchase, no matter what the price.
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