
January 24, 2009

February 12, 2009

No, it is mostly smooth.
I am sure it is a fixed barrel.
I just came back from the range, it shoots great. Now I just have to do some reloading and adjust the sights a little. Shooting just a touch left.
I was worried about the recoil, but it wasn't bad or uncomfortable at all to shoot.
I was told if it is a fixed barrel, it was made in 1994, that was the only year that fixed barrel models were made.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

December 17, 2008

SMF - check out these articles from 1978 American Handgunner by Mike Barach and Masaad Ayoob. They are really excellent and you will love 'em. Written at the time and some of the info from Mr. Dan Wesson "his own self"...Real good detail on the different changes made to the 15, 15-1 & 15-2.
Basically if it's Monson made and not a pork chop barrel shroud, it's a 15-2.
Congrats on your purchase. Barrel length? grip? Condition? Extras?
Can't wait for those pictures...

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

It has an 8" and a 6" barrell. It came with the 6" and the 8" still has the original box. It has the old style metal wrench and individual feeler gauges. the bluing is deeper than I have ever seen on any handgun that I came across and the cylinder looks like it has had minimal turns. The wood grips appear the original too large for my hand DW's. No other extras. I must find time to begin the member collection photos for you all.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

December 17, 2008

Hey Lulu - what better way to get a Dan Wesson than to receive it from your Dad?
From that serial number the gun was built ~1977/78, give or take a year.
If it has a fixed rear sight, its a model 14-2.
If it has an adjustable target rear sight it's a 15-2. Either way it is technically a "small frame revolver".
Check this Dan Wesson Brochure from 1978 to determine exactly what model / barrel config. --->it has great pictues & specs for all .38spcl / .357 mag revolvers. Print it out and keep it with your Dan Wesson stuff!
You can find it under the files tab if you have problems with the link.
Dusty Trail said:
SMF - check out these articles from 1978 American Handgunner by Mike Barach and Masaad Ayoob. They are really excellent and you will love 'em. Written at the time and some of the info from Mr. Dan Wesson “his own self”…Real good detail on the different changes made to the 15, 15-1 & 15-2.
Basically if it's Monson made and not a pork chop barrel shroud, it's a 15-2.
Congrats on your purchase. Barrel length? grip? Condition? Extras?
Can't wait for those pictures…
I just tried bringing up this link and it asked for a user name and password. The type of thing you get when you hit an ftp site. I'd really like to see the article.
Dusty Trail said:
Hey Lulu - what better way to get a Dan Wesson than to receive it from your Dad?
From that serial number the gun was built ~1977/78, give or take a year.
If it has a fixed rear sight, its a model 14-2.
If it has an adjustable target rear sight it's a 15-2. Either way it is technically a “small frame revolver”.
Check this Dan Wesson Brochure from 1978 to determine exactly what model / barrel config. —>it has great pictues & specs for all .38spcl / .357 mag revolvers. Print it out and keep it with your Dan Wesson stuff!
You can find it under the files tab if you have problems with the link.
Just had the same problem with this link.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

This is really excellent info. I do believe that you may have missed 1 (or 2) model(s). I have 2 boxes marked with the model # 445S, not 745. Also, the serial numbers of both of these guns becin with 445S. They are both Monson made. could these have preceded the 7445 designation? I have also seen blue guns whose serials begin 445B. Could this be another variant? I haven't seen the boxes for those guns.

Range Officers
February 25, 2009

I have some older DW literature I'll have to dig out and see what variations are listed. The dealer price lists are really good for model info.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
~Thomas Jefferson~

March 22, 2009

I recently obtained a Dan Wesson .357 magnum 6 inch barrel revolver at a local gun show.
Serial number is 5 digits long beginning with: 85###
Dan Wesson Arms
Monson, Mass, USA
I assume it was made in 1985. I'm wondering what specific model this would be.
I was also wondering if I could use the 2.5" snub barrel with it.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

cazual-Welcome to DWF. If you go to the stickies at the top of this thread you will find lot's of info to help in identification. The primary identifiers are finish (blue or SS), rear sight style (fixed or adjustable), and shroud type (straight or pork chop). As regards your serial #, DW's are a little illogical and random in serial numbering, but a 5 digit Monson is much more likely to be late 70's. You almost certainly have a Model 15-2 and any .357 DW barrel/shroud should work (except a pork chop style).
Keep cruising this Site and you will find lot's of answers to the questions you don't even have yet.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

June 5, 2008

I have been tryng to buy or trade for a local DW Palmer 357 model 15 (if the call the fixed barrel adj rear sight that) that is in like new shape, but has a $500 price tag. That have the gun marked as a 740, but it is not a 357 SuperMag, it is just a standard 4" blue frame gun and just has a hint of a turn ring.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian

August 4, 2009

Hello new to this site very informative.I have aqurired a Dan Wesson 44 magnum could some one tell me about it?
It was made in Monson Mass. ser#44s00167x
What do they mean by all models That start w/ 7 are ss mine doesnt start w/ 7
and is ss?
they call it a 10"bbl?but it measures 9 1/2"?
and what is it worth? Thanx Dann
Hamilton & Sons Firearms Co.FFL/SOT
95airport rd.
Sedona, Az. 86336

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Hey Dann, first of all let me say this is a cool place to hang out and talk about DWs. Next we need pics. Now I will try and answer a few of your questions. Dan Wesson hasn't put model numbers on their revolvers since the very early models. A stainless 44 mag is a model 744, blued 44. The serial numbers on DWs don't make a lot of sense but sometimes have the caliber at the front as yours does. The letter s probably stands for stainless but I can't be sure. Last but not least I have heard that all DW 10 inchers are only 9 1/2 but I can't confirm that either. I am sure some of the more knowledgeable guys here can shed a little more light on your questions. Any way you have acquired one fine handgun and I am sure you will not be disappointed. While you are at it why don't you drop by the new members section and introduce yourself to the group.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
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