
January 24, 2009

Hi Dann,
In the DW catalog, they listed them as 44 or 744, depending on blued or stainless. It won't say which on the gun itself. So if it's stainless, you have a Model 744. The 10″ barrel is sort of a round-up figure from 9.5, I imagine.
Worth? Hard to say so far, probably $500+ depending on condition. Any pics you can show us?
Stop in to the new members area & tell us more about yourself. Looks like you're a dealer, eh? Do you guys get many Dan Wessons in your shop?
*EDIT* Darn, took too long typing...LB beat me to it. 😀

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Weloome Dann. We're glad to have you here. You will definitely love your DW 744 more as you discover its unigue features and personality. After that DWAS sets in and your bank account disappears.
Would you do us all a favor, please. If you haven't measured that barrel yourself from the very front of the barrel all the way to the front of the cylinder, please do and report the actual length. A lot of people measure from the front of the barrel to the front of the frame and as a result get odd barrel length dimensions.
If it does truly measure 9.5 inches to the front of the cylinder, there is one more thing you must consider. Does it have 3 slots cut vertically through the top in front of the front site. If so, it's an 8 inch compensated barrel. The front inch and a half is the compensator. These barrels require a special barrel wrench to get to the barrel nut which is deep inside the shroud.
Now I have to say this before anyone ekse does:. Oh and

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

That appears to be a Model 14 with a Pachmayr gripper, and as you noted, an unusual hammer. It may be the factory finish, the 14's were not the DW Bright Blue. What would the function of such a hammer have been?
Please visit New Members, and tell us more about you and this DW. Good chance that we have more Texas members than any other state (or maybe PA?)
Anyhow, Welcome to
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009


January 24, 2009

That is one funky lookin' hammer! I can't think of the reasoning behind that, other than to hang the gun on a peg hook when not in use.
I'll 3rd the opinion that it's a service model 14-2.
aboard, you get the prize for the most unusual DW so far this month...congrats, that's pretty neat!

October 13, 2009

The rumor is that those hammers were designed years ago to accommodate the cavalry. A large revolver could be easily cocked by running the hammer across your pants leg. The cavalry were also the intended benefactors of the original 1911. It was designed to allow one hand use and bring down an opponents horse, not large pacific islanders as is often stated.
I believe the finish is a Duracoat type product, it is very well done. It is a shame though because as practical as it is I would prefer a Blued original finish. I paid 350 for it and it shoots superbly. I haven't noticed the service sights in the photos so I was not sure thats what these were. There is no color on the front and the rear are a simple smooth notch like a S&W 340 PD.
Great forum and thanks for the inputs.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

You probably have a model 15-2 judjung from the serial number, although it could be a model 15. There is very little evidence regarding serial numbers. ATF took the documentation when DW closed the first time and they won't provide it.
We hope you enjoy your Dan Wesson and this forum.

December 4, 2009

zoommb said:
You probably have a model 15-2 judjung from the serial number, although it could be a model 15. There is very little evidence regarding serial numbers. ATF took the documentation when DW closed the first time and they won't provide it.
We hope you enjoy your Dan Wesson and this forum.
Thank You for the info.I so do(although I need a little tiney part that works it's way out every box or so)and I certianly think I will.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Is the tiney part the small tab on the sideplate that keeps the cylinder on the crane? It's a little thing about half the size of a pencil eraser.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

December 4, 2009

yes thats the one, not a big deal but it really blows my mind when I open it up go to dump the brass and my cylinder tries to come on out as well.All my shooting with this has been at a range so I have found it on the table every time.Also found out it can be pressed in too far .

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I just checked and saw that you've seen our discussion on this already. I have a couple of replacements put away for a rainy day, it's really aggravating when it falls out and you begin searching frantically for it.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

December 15, 2009

Hello everyone,
I stumbled across this forum and thought maybe I could get some info about this DW 357 I got from my grandfather. It isn't in the greatest shape but shoots quite well. I photographed everything I have here. In addition to what you see in the photos there is an instruction manual, a Dan Wesson sew-on patch and the registration card with a separate congratulations note featuring all of the dealers dated 4/1/1981.
The revolver has fixed sights (service model from what I see here) and is manufactured in Monson. SN is 345XXX – no letters or anything else.
Any info and possibly a value would be appreciated. I would rate the condition to be about 85%.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

January 22, 2008

Looks like you have a model 14-2 pistol pac. Very uncommon, as opposed to a model 15 pistol pac. The true value is hard to determine but can be anywhere from $600 to $900. From my perspective, the inheritance adds value to the owner. I have an old Winchester model 72 that I got from my grandfather - worth much more to me than the monetary value.

December 15, 2009

Thanks guys! I appreciate the info. I wasn't sure if the carrying case was original or not. And yes, 1098 is in reference to the Ducati. I used to race a 1098S and 999S at the club level here in my state.
I'll probably look to sell it as my safe is full and I don't think the pistol meant a lot to my grandfather. I have other firearms from him that are much more sentimental. My favorite is an old High Standard Supermatic 22. The blueing on the Dan Wesson isn't in great condition as I mentioned. Should I have it re-blued or leave it as is if I were to try and sell it?
Again, I appreciate such quick response!
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