March 16, 2010
I was at the range after the hail of lead I unleashed, and looking down at my three well shot barrels I was wondering; what size do you keep your DW normally?
My .357 is on home protection, so she normally wears a 4 inch jacket. I LOVE the look of the snubbie and the 6 inch looks classic.
So it's 4 at home and 6 at the range most of the time.
How bout you?
May 17, 2010
Home defense 4" or sometimes 2". Loaded with Jacketed flat nose hollowpoints in either .357 or .38 spl ( store bought)
90% 6" in either VH or just V
9% 8" V ( I dont have a VH 8")
1% 4" or 2" just to keep some practice
Ammo is almost always reloaded 38 spl for target ( 158gr SemiWC) I am considering moving to a jacketed or something to reduce lead when I shoot indoors (about 85% of the time) At some time there was a copper plated target load available. But I hadn't seen it lately, plus as I recall it had an odd weight ( 148 gr?) I don't reload my self, just have a friend do it. I am not sure what he would do with an oddball projectile.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
4" is my hands down favorite out to about 50', then 6" or 8", at least in .357.
.44 Mag, I'm limited to 6" right now, I'd really to get a 4".
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Range Officer
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Dans Club
February 9, 2009
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February 28, 2009
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November 17, 2008
January 24, 2009
I usually use a two hand hold when shooting my guns & love the feel of long barrels, so I tend to gravitate toward the longer barrels in revolvers, I always have. My Porkchops have only been shot wearing their 6" barrels (longest available with the 'Chops), my 15-2 has mainly seen duty with the 8"...although I did take the 2" for some excercise a couple weeks ago.
All my large frame guns usually get their range time wearing some version of an 8" barrel, the 44 feels great with the 10V barrel & an old Pachmayr Presentation grip that IHMSA was kind enough to sell me. Also, my 10" Super Blackhawk usually tags along for most any trip to the range...both my Seville's are 10" guns too. Do you see a pattern here?
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