September 28, 2008

So a friend of mine bought a ~98% 715 VH6 on Monday ($450), and he calls me up, he cant get the barrel nut off. I had him bring it over and of course, the idiot previous owner had red loctited the nut AND put it on the frame threads too! We took nail polish remover and soaked the end of the barrel in it, and used my heat gun on it for what seemed forever, and we managed to get the nut loose without tearing it up. The frame took two tries, but finally, it came loose on the second try with my taped up vise grips. It made a loud SNAP when it let go and for a second, I thought the frame had broken. It was ok though, and after we got the loctite cleaned off, we put the barrel back on and set the gap and it looked good. I took the sideplate off and cleaned up the inside of the gun, it looked like it hadn't ever been touched from the day it was made. I sold him a prettier barrel nut than the original, so he would have a spare. He shot it yesterday, and it had zero problems and he's very happy. I've bought two guns with loctited barrel nuts, and seen about six more. I don't get it, the nut never comes loose if it's tight at all.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Those people are everywhere. Their your neighbors, coworkers, inlaws, but mainly their politicions. Obamacare is red loctite on our medical system. Quantitative easing is red loctite on our economy. A botched job that takes heroic measures and the right person a lot of work to fix.


January 24, 2009

Ole Dog said
Those people are everywhere. Their your neighbors, coworkers, inlaws, but mainly their politicions. Obamacare is red loctite on our medical system. Quantitative easing is red loctite on our economy. A botched job that takes heroic measures and the right person a lot of work to fix.
Ain't that the truth!
I'm lucky,none of my DW's have had the Loctite treatment. I had to work hard to get one shroud off (don't remember which gun), and found that someone had gooped a lot of lube between the barrel & shroud many years prior & that goop/grease/whatever had dried to almost a black ceramic looking stuff. It was nasty, but cleaned up relatively easily with carb cleaner, once it was apart.
Over on the Single Actions site, David Bradshaw (longtime IHMSA shooter) actually recommends using Loctite on each end of the barrel. I could probably find a recent link where he stated just that. Sooo...methinks THAT is where many past DW owners have gotten that idea.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

when installing a replacement cylinder stop where do you apply loctite? Do you take the sideplate off to do it? I would think the loctite would be applied to the inside of the sideplate but not near the bottom of the stop as it might adhere to the opposite inside of the frame. Is red loctite called for?

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

It's been a long time since I had to do this, if I was doing this now I'd consider something like this:
It is intended for high strength, impact, metal, etc.
I would remove the sideplate and bond the cylinder stop to the sideplate, then re-install. You are correct in thinking that any other method might bond your sideplate to the frame.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

Me, myself, I would probably refrain from the "superglue" approach where cylinder stops are concerned, and would go with the tried-n-true "act-of-congress" "gift from GOD" method with this stuff...
Just make sure there isn't any oil on either mating surface pre-application, or the gift from GOD deal is null & void...just sayi'n.

February 18, 2010

Blue locktite is one thing. It accomplishes the purpose of keeping threaded things from wandering without making them permanent. I bought a DW 44 recently and the previous owner plus one had used red locktite on the front sight blade. I opened a thread about removing it, but, to date, I've just let it be.
I don't understand either. Than again, in addition to the "loctite people" there are also the "dremel people" I also don't understand. If you really want to see a piece of shit job, take a look at this......thankfully NOT a Dan Wesson anything. It's a Colt Delta Elite the seller was trying to pass off as a "one of a kind" Colt Factory Prototype and was asking in excess of 4K for it.
Here is the letter that certifies this is a factory original prototype camo finish straight from the Colt factory.....really, it does....honest!
"Life does not have to be perfect, just lived".
"Deserves got nothin' to do with it".


January 24, 2009

January 19, 2014

I recently joined here.. after picking up my first 15-2. bought the spring kit from EWK, bought a cylinder stop from CZ.. all parts arrived fine. broke the gun down over the weekend. (thanks for the picture tutorial) I found, that it was relatively clean. however the crane stop, was gone.. and a brad nail was bent in it's place.
SOOOO ... now the Wesson sits, waiting for a crane stop. and thanks for the schematic I found in one of the postings or I would have called the brad nail piece a cylinder "pin" or something like that.

September 28, 2008

Thanks for the replies. That Colt cracked me up. I have to wonder if it's the same guy who took a Ruger Secuirty Six and "engraved" his initials into the side of it. Not with an engraver, it appears to have been done with a chisel or something like it. A friend of mine bought it as a shooter, so it's no big deal, but it was another one of those "Why the hell?" things that people do to a nice gun or other item.

November 14, 2009

SHOOTIST357 said
I just bought a rifle last week that had all 4 scope base screws (6-48) not only stripped out on the hex heads, but red loc-tite as well... After a lot of careful work I was able to get all 4 out... Man I hate red loc-tite...SHOOT
cabelas in hartford ct likes to do red loctite, i told them to use small screw blue loctite
Happyness is a Hot DW and a pile of used brass!!! Rich
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