September 11, 2017
Hey guys new to the site, I have a odd DW in my collection I'm trying to find a value on. Its a Monson, MA Dan Wesson blued, 44V, 6 3/4" ported shroud, with what appears to be a fixed barrel, there are no lug marks on the barrel to remove it once the end cap is removed.have never seen anything like it, any info would be greatly appreciated.
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
Welcome to the DWF. Swing by new members section and introduce yourself to the crew. I may be wrong but looks like I see notches for a barrel wrench. The barrel nut looks like a ring with notches. Check out EWK to the left for the best wrench and the pictures will help explain what you will be looking for. There are some fixed barrel versions but I don't believe yours is one. Others will be along shortly who may explain it better than I.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
January 24, 2009
I agree, that doesn't look like a fixed barrel to me either. I won't say it's impossible, it just doesn't appear to be so from here. Usually there's only 2 comp slots cut into a fixed barrel shroud, the removable type normally has 3 comp slots. It looks pretty sooty in there, you may want to run a small pick around in there & see if you uncover some barrel nut slots.
Also, stop by the new members area & introduce yourself.
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
Seem to remember someone mentioning that All the large frame guns were built at Palmer, even those roll marked Monson. Also remember reading that it was common practice for the factory to install mismatched shrouds as they were using up inventory. Point being don't discount the possibility that this could be a factory franken gun.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
I have several guns that were made in 1991 that have a Monson frame and a Palmer shroud. I am sure they came from the factory like that. Both large and small frames. I also have a Gold Series 15-2 that is Monson frame and shroud. They were supposedly made in the Palmer Era. If your framed dates to 1991 it is probably original.
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