You have a fairly early model 15-2 with a vent shroud. Does the gun come with the necessary barrel tool. If not you will be able to get one on ebay or from EWK. On eBay they are going for 40 to 75 depending on style. EWK can ship you an aftermarket tool much cheaper immediately. You may want to pickup other grips. You have a well used combat grip. A Pachmyer Presentation grip works good with a 21/2" barrel. Or a Hogue finger groove rubber grip. JMHO. Your gun dates to 1976 or early 77. Maybe a little earlier. Very Barneyed frame. Purple like the dinosaur on TV. That is possibly from the blueing reaction to the silica on the steel from the investment casting of the Frame. It is not known for sure why some guns turn purple and some don't. The ceramic mold that is used to cast the frame may affect the metal in contact with it. It is of no consequence. All small frame Dans show a different hue than the sideplate or shroud but some are only discernable in strong light.
II would place the value between 450 and 550.

February 19, 2017

Ole Dog said
You have a fairly early model 15-2 with a vent shroud. Does the gun come with the necessary barrel tool. If not you will be able to get one on ebay or from EWK. On eBay they are going for 40 to 75 depending on style. EWK can ship you an aftermarket tool much cheaper immediately. You may want to pickup other grips. You have a well used combat grip. A Pachmyer Presentation grip works good with a 21/2" barrel. Or a Hogue finger groove rubber grip. JMHO. Your gun dates to 1976 or early 77. Maybe a little earlier. Very Barneyed frame. Purple like the dinosaur on TV. That is possibly from the blueing reaction to the silica on the steel from the investment casting of the Frame. It is not known for sure why some guns turn purple and some don't. The ceramic mold that is used to cast the frame may affect the metal in contact with it. It is of no consequence. All small frame Dans show a different hue than the sideplate or shroud but some are only discernable in strong light.II would place the value between 450 and 550.
Thank you, and the gun basically comes as you see it, nothing else included, is that an actual low serial number? I just been googling other ones and it seems like there all 6 digit numbers.

February 19, 2017

Dan Fan said
Just the gun no tools 400.00 - 450.00 at the most, because of the Barney affect on the frame.
Cool thanks for the input, it's always nice hearing more than 1 opinion on pricing. And for the tool part not coming with gun wasn't a biggie, I got exactly what I wanted which was a 2.5" barrel. And your also saying the barney effect made it more valuable? And next, where is the cheapest place to get hogue finger grips? EBay? And I noticed they have 2 sizes, I have big hands so I'm assuming get the large grip? Then I scene they have soft or hard rubber???

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

The Barney color is a plus for some and a negative for others. I happen to like it. I'd say it pretty much evens out. I don't think there are 2 sizes of the Hogue rubber grip. The ones sold as "Large" are for the larger frame Dans - 44s and Supermags, etc.. and do not fit the small frames like yours.
The Hogue rubber grips that fit the small frame guns like yours are pretty much the same size. I have noticed the hard and soft difference. Don't know if it is intentional, but I like the soft better.
Looking at your photo, I am curious about something. There is what looks like a white line on the sideplate extending down from the cylinder stop. The cylinder stop is the little nub sticking out from the side plate just behind the cylinder. It stops the cylinder from going too far to the rear when it is open. I would be concerned that the line indicated a crack in the side plate. It may just be the photo and glare, but do check it out. Sideplates are a pain to replace because they are individually fitted to each frame.
From my point of view, your proposed purchase has a definite plus in that the photo does not seem to show any of the usual scratches on the side plate that result from improper or lazy handling of the gun during reloading. If you look closely at other small frame DWs on Gunbroker, etc. you will see these scratches on most of them. They do not affect functioning but are not attractive and usually can only be fixed by rebluing the sideplate. These scratches do downgrade value for me.
Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

February 19, 2017

snake-eye said
The Barney color is a plus for some and a negative for others. I happen to like it. I'd say it pretty much evens out. I don't think there are 2 sizes of the Hogue rubber grip. The ones sold as "Large" are for the larger frame Dans - 44s and Supermags, etc.. and do not fit the small frames like yours.The Hogue rubber grips that fit the small frame guns like yours are pretty much the same size. I have noticed the hard and soft difference. Don't know if it is intentional, but I like the soft better.
Looking at your photo, I am curious about something. There is what looks like a white line on the sideplate extending down from the cylinder stop. The cylinder stop is the little nub sticking out from the side plate just behind the cylinder. It stops the cylinder from going too far to the rear when it is open. I would be concerned that the line indicated a crack in the side plate. It may just be the photo and glare, but do check it out. Sideplates are a pain to replace because they are individually fitted to each frame.
From my point of view, your proposed purchase has a definite plus in that the photo does not seem to show any of the usual scratches on the side plate that result from improper or lazy handling of the gun during reloading. If you look closely at other small frame DWs on Gunbroker, etc. you will see these scratches on most of them. They do not affect functioning but are not attractive and usually can only be fixed by rebluing the sideplate. These scratches do downgrade value for me.
Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
I'll definitely check that out when I get it tomorrow. Thanks

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Larrygun said
Trying to buy my first Dan Wesson and don't want to pay more than its worth. It's a 357mag 2.5" barrel. Dan Wesson arms ctg on barrel & on frame Monsoon Mass serial number 84??? & here is a pic also if anyone could tell me model# and roughly what year it was made. Any help would be appreciated..
84xxx is 1977, it should have recessed chambers (the cylinder is machined to fully enclose the case rim) and an overtravel adjustment screw in the upper back portion of the trigger. Later guns had the overtravel screw in the frame behind the trigger. I would not say that the "Barney" makes it more desireable ("Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"), and might possibly be a bargaining point to reduce cost The grip is in somewhat less than desirable condition. Definitely examine the sideplate, if there is a crack or break there, that is a significant problem, it would be a "deal breaker" for me at anything over $300
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

February 19, 2017

Steve said
84xxx is 1977, it should have recessed chambers (the cylinder is machined to fully enclose the case rim) and an overtravel adjustment screw in the upper back portion of the trigger. Later guns had the overtravel screw in the frame behind the trigger. I would not say that the "Barney" makes it more desireable ("Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"), and might possibly be a bargaining point to reduce cost The grip is in somewhat less than desirable condition. Definitely examine the sideplate, if there is a crack or break there, that is a significant problem, it would be a "deal breaker" for me at anything over $300
I talked to him earlier and he said it was just a scratch in the finish.

February 19, 2017

HarleySftl said
I'm going to stay out of the "value" opinions and would encourage any buyer to do their own research, however, I will say that is a strange place for a scratch. I'd be very wary of that scratch.
I usually do my own research on guns especially if there s&w revolvers but don't know much of anything about Dan Wessons, I'm actually buying a s&w from him also and he showed me pics of this one and well I sorta liked the purple in it.
You really need a barrel tool if you own a Dan Wesson. For optimum performance, ease of cleaning, and safety. An Allen wrench will remove the sideplate. The "Average Joe Tuneup" in Small Framed Revolvers will tell you all you need to know to easily remove the sideplate. If the seller says not to, IMHO, walk.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Larrygun said
Does the serial #84xxx tell you the year of gun or is that just what number this gun was made is production?
Nothing contained in this S/N identifies the year of production, the DWF Serial Number Registry was the source of this information. There are characteristics in some DW serial numbers (letter codes) that help identify the model, and there is some info about when those numbering changes occurred.
BTW, be very careful regarding that "scratch". This is exactly where DW sideplates can crack, and the cylinder stop in this era of 15-2's is a bit susceptible to breaking off the sideplate
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

February 19, 2017

Ok just got gun today, love it. I did take everyone's advice and order from Ewk. Got barrel tool, new barrel nut & the allenwrench set with the filler gauge. & ordered a hogue rubber finger grip. The scratch on side plate is just a deep scratch, I havnt taken side plate off yet but I will just to double check..thanks for the help, great forum here..

February 19, 2017

Larrygun said
Ok just got gun today, love it. I did take everyone's advice and order from Ewk. Got barrel tool, new barrel nut & the allenwrench set with the filler gauge. & ordered a hogue rubber finger grip. The scratch on side plate is just a deep scratch, I havnt taken side plate off yet but I will just to double check..thanks for the help, great forum here..
Thought I would post the other side of gun. Completely Barney and loving it!!!!
Sometimes you see Dans with purple cylinders, purple cylinder latches, purple sideplates and rarely, purple shrouds. If one tried hard they could assemble a total purple gun? Or mostly purple. Never felt that strongly about Barney myself but it would be neat. Klamtucky, one problem with Smiths Is the grips that are never comfortable. A much under appreciated feature of Dans is the ability to change grips to suit your fancy without being constrained by the grip frame. Larrygun, check out ebay for the amazing selection of DW grips that show up. You may want a conceal carry undercover grip as an option. DA DUM, DA DUM. is that the land shark called DWAS.
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