April 25, 2016
I have become mystified regarding a pistol pack I purchased in the very early 1980's. Upon observation by others, the receipt I have for the purchase shows a different serial number for the gun I have in my possession. This is what I do recall for sure, I have only ever owned one Dan Wesson product. A stainless steel .357 Pistol Pack. I did have an action job and polishing of the hammer and trigger done. I am going to post the complete serial number and a redacted receipt (I am only concealing my name from the post).
Since the serial number on the receipt does not match the pistol I have, my best guess is that the store made an error and sold me the gun at the wrong price. Any comments and links or other documents would be greatly appreciated. I have also been told that Dan Wesson did not make Stainless Steel guns before 1982, which makes this all the more interesting.
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
I'm not able to help with definitive date, but the SN on the gun is interesting and gives a clue towards a very early SS. The SS revolvers went from S/xx to an alpha designation (SDxx) around 82-83 and then later went to caliber prefix ( 357Sxx). There are model 715 examples in the SN registry that support that SS .357s were available in 81. Sure would have been more definitive if the receipt SN matched...
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
February 16, 2016
dragonfly1911 said
I did have an action job and polishing of the hammer and trigger done.
When was this work done? Do you still have the receipt?
Did you make note of the S/N when you turned it in and got it back? Was it at the same Store you originally purchased it from?
I wonder if the gun could have become mixed-up with another while getting the action work performed?
April 25, 2016
Stinger said
Looks like you got a Pistol Pac for the price of just a pistol !!!Does the factory Pistol Pack case still have the S/N sticker on the side ?
No. Back then I had no idea about the value of saving everything associated with the purchase. Wish I known then about saving the box, the papers the gun was wrapped etc. Knowing me, at that time, I probably would have removed that unsightly sticker. But I can't recall anything about that gun except why I purchased it vs an SW. Which was I thought it was a great deal, I get 4 guns at a great price.
April 25, 2016
rwsem said
I'm not able to help with definitive date, but the SN on the gun is interesting and gives a clue towards a very early SS. The SS revolvers went from S/xx to an alpha designation (SDxx) around 82-83 and then later went to caliber prefix ( 357Sxx). There are model 715 examples in the SN registry that support that SS .357s were available in 81. Sure would have been more definitive if the receipt SN matched...
Thanks rwsem, I must admit I find the registry a bit confusing. I've looked at it a couple of times and have difficulty deciphering the data. Could you point me the revolver/s which confirm an 81 production? Also, does anyone collect old magazine advertisements and articles regarding DW?
April 25, 2016
Stinger said
dragonfly1911 said
I did have an action job and polishing of the hammer and trigger done.When was this work done? Do you still have the receipt?
Did you make note of the S/N when you turned it in and got it back? Was it at the same Store you originally purchased it from?
I wonder if the gun could have become mixed-up with another while getting the action work performed?
I cannot find any record of that work being done. I do know they did it, or at least they took it and sent it out to a gunsmith.
If it was mixed up, its a perfect match to the other barrels. I’m inclined to think they put the wrong invoice on that pistol and sold me a gun at the wrong price.
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
The SN on the receipt looks like a blued 15-2 SN. I think a clerk sold you the SS pac for the price of a blued 15-2 with one barrel. I would assume your gun to be an early 1981 production since you got it late in 81.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
April 25, 2016
Ole Dog said
Scorpio is probably correct. That is a serial number of a blue gun and the price and description indicates one barrel.
That gun shop was always lackadaisical, whenever I went in the old guys (of which I am one now) were sitting around talking about Colt 45's, of which I have a total fascination with. I actually have another invoice from them for a Beretta 380, no serial number on the invoice. :-0
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